Authentic Movement
An invitation to explore the wisdom of the body in safety
To be deeply seen and known
To express the inexpressible somatically

Retreat Opportunities
Design your own personal retreat at the sanctuary of Catharine’s home

Acoustic Music for Events
Simple elegance for your wedding, reception, teas and seasonal celebrations with Robinsong

Music Thanatology
Music for comfort and support for end of life transitions with harp and voice

Books, articles and more


About Catharine

Catharine Drum Scherer, MA, CM-th,  has been a music teacher, practitioner of Authentic Movement , and certified music-thanatologist. She has made it her life’ work connecting individuals with their deepest, resonant selves through music and movement. As a facilitator for all ages from birth to death she has offered experiences in conflict management, group development, clowning, ropes courseand authentic movement. As a music-thanatologist she becomes a musical midwife for those who are dying. Her home is a sanctuary for those seeking a safe place to be.

This website is a sharing of her offerings.

"We are a part of that great dance ... even in our doubt"

"We are a part of that great dance ... even in our doubt"

Still have questions? Reach out!