Catharine has been practicing and facilitating Authentic Movement for over 37 years with her mentors Lynn and Lee Fuller. For more about their work go to

Authentic Movement

Moving and being seen by another opens the possibility for profound awareness and change at a cellular level.  It is commonly practiced individually or in a group with an experienced witness. 

One-on-one Authentic Movement sessions are scheduled by appointment. Contact Catharine if you are interested in booking a session.

You can create your own group of 3-5 people and request a group session.

Payments for sessions can be made by donation via Venmo.  Catharine suggests that you first experience an individual session to see if working in a group is appropriate. 


This dynamic process involves a Mover and a Witness. The Witness creates a safe space, allowing the Mover to follow her body’s impulses.

The mover, with eyes closed, listens carefully to what her body is asking of her in that moment.

It is that simple. and it can reveal important information held deep within us at a cellular level. It is an invitation to rediscover the wisdom and power that our physical self holds.

This practice connects us more deeply and effectively with ourselves and everyone we meet.